My Testimony

Illness at 29At the age of 29, with two little boys to raise and a husband to care for, I fell into a deep, emotional ravine. A series of events including moving, having my second child, dealing with a rocky marriage, and a negative personality caused me to become very ill.

My life in chains of depressionThe only way to describe the experience is that my mind stopped functioning and an unreasonable and terrifying fear took its place. I could no longer sleep or function. I felt paralyzed by everything around me. In my mind, death was my only option.

I was being crushed under the weight of fear and dreadIn the silence, I was tormented daily by thoughts of death, hopelessness, and despair. I no longer wanted to live and struggled each day to rise above the darkness. I sought out the help of medications, a psychiatrist, a psychologist, and counselors, but nothing could alleviate this feeling of dread. My doctor diagnosed me with schizophrenia and paranoia and concluded that I was mentally ill. That was my fate. Best case scenario, I would survive.

Having been a Christian since the age of nine, I knew that God was capable of healing me. I had seen Him heal in the past. So why was it taking Him so long to rescue me? I couldn’t shake the feeling that the older I got, the closer I was to being locked away in an insane asylum.

God reached down and saved meAfter 16 years of trying to look and act normal, I had finally had enough. I could no longer handle the late-night torment of demons and the constant nagging despair. Family circumstances pushed me to the edge and I cried out in desperation for God to bring me help. It was my only hope. God reached down and brought people into my life that understood me and could help.

I am free!As I received deep and healing prayer, my mind became clear and I was no longer confused and fearful. Now, with clarity of mind and the voice of the Holy Spirit as my constant companion instead of demonic forces, I grow stronger and stronger each day. Jesus Christ dwells in me and I live and move with peace that does not come from this world. I will no longer bow to the enemy of this world. I am FREE!!!!

8 thoughts on “My Testimony

  1. Terry says:

    Wow, the paintings of your dark years is so descriptive! And the healing is so profound! This is an amazing story.

  2. Lori Clark says:

    Oh Kerry!!!! This is so awesome! I love that you are sharing this in such an open forum! I hope you can come share your testimony at the Well soon. Do you think you might?

  3. Jill says:

    Thank you Kerry for who you are. God has used the healing in your life to bring healing to my life.

  4. Suzie says:

    I love this! Thank you for Sharing! Your story is important and so amazing!

  5. Cathy Smith says:

    To know you is to love you. I think many woman are in similiar situations and will receive hope from reading this. Praise God for His mercy and grace!

  6. Judy says:

    That is an amazing testimony and your God -given talent is also very amazing 🙂

  7. Marie Pickard says:

    Satan wanted to defeat you, because you had so much glory to give to Jesus. But greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world. Jesus won in your life. Art was gifted to you by Him to speak to a fallen world. There will always be adversity on earth, but you are right — now you are free! Your art is Heavenly!

  8. Hairstyles says:

    This actually answered my downside, thank you!

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